"I receive care from many facilities, and am also a caregiver for my family. Having access to ConnectMyHealth will be a game changer to help me coordinate care."
ConnectMyHealth Patient Advisor
"More and more care is being transitioned from the hospital into the home. Having access to my hospital records at home is a huge benefit and really essential to be able to communicate effectively with my healthcare providers."
ConnectMyHealth Patient Advisor
© 2025 HITS eHealth Office at Hamilton Health Sciences. All rights reserved. All content and materials contained within are the property of Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation and may only be reproduced with permission.
The views expressed are those of the HITS eHealth Office at Hamilton Health Sciences and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Ontario or any of its personnel or entities, including Ontario Health.
All images, videos and data examples contained on this site are fictitious and intended to simulate realistic records. They contain no real patient data, and are to be used for training purposes only.