ConnectMyHealth is transforming healthcare by empowering individuals with secure, convenient access to their health records from data-contributing hospitals in southwest Ontario. Whether you're a healthcare provider and organization, your support to help create awareness of this regional patient portal can make a meaningful impact.
ConnectMyHealth is operated by the ConnectMyHealth Program Office (CMHPO) at Hamilton Health Sciences, is funded by Ontario Health, and is being made available to patients in Ontario Health West Region in collaboration with participating Ontario Health Teams.
The CMHPO can provide organizations located in southwest Ontario with marketing materials to help create awareness about ConnectMyHealth amongst their patients.
By promoting ConnectMyHealth, you’re helping to:
Share Information with Your Community
There are many ways to share information with your community about ConnectMyHealth. Some examples include displaying posters and brochures in spaces such as waiting rooms or offices to encourage awareness and registration. Utilizing digital outreach tools like eNewsletters and highlighting ConnectMyHealth on your websites through links, banners, or dedicated pages, can make a great impact!
Social Media
Social media is a powerful tool for raising awareness about ConnectMyHealth and its benefits. By sharing our content, using hashtags like #ConnectMyHealth, and creating posts tailored to your audience, you can help spread the word. Please follow us on:
We can provide organizations with resources you need to effectively promote ConnectMyHealth and engage your community. This includes marketing materials such as brochures, digital signage artwork, social media graphics, newsletter content and more! Leveraging this comprehensive toolkit can be an easy way for your organization to ensure your community is informed.
The CMHPO is always looking for success stories and ways that ConnectMyHealth has helped patients. We are very mindful not to collect any Personal Health Information; but rather create quotes and testimonials that can help others learn how they too could benefit by having access to ConnectMyHealth.
Want to share your story? Fill out this simple ConnectMyHealth Testimonial & Consent Form! As a reminder, please do not include personal health information in your responses. If a written testimonial or quote is prepared based on the information you provide in your form, the ConnectMyHealth Program Office will get back in touch with you prior to publishing the content, and no information that identifies you beyond your first name will be included.
By working together, we can help individuals who have health records at participating hospitals in southwest Ontario gain secure, online access to ConnectMyHealth, so they may become more involved in their health journey.
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© 2025 HITS eHealth Office at Hamilton Health Sciences. All rights reserved. All content and materials contained within are the property of Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation and may only be reproduced with permission.
The views expressed are those of the HITS eHealth Office at Hamilton Health Sciences and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Ontario or any of its personnel or entities, including Ontario Health.
All images, videos and data examples contained on this site are fictitious and intended to simulate realistic records. They contain no real patient data, and are to be used for training purposes only.